Omar Patrick has gone home to London, leaving few visible traces behind.
Unlike his older cousins he's not yet big enough to bury vital household
objects in flower-pots or post them through the cat-flaps, and there are no
grubby hand-prints on the windows, or gnawed rusks down the sides of sofas. The
only real sign that he was here are the piles of picture books lying everywhere.
And that’s one of the great joys of having a new baby around: you can dig out and enjoy all
the old favourites and discover brilliant new ones.
I haven't always been a good influence as a granny: I sometimes forget to mind my language and I like to raise the occasional bit of toddler mayhem. It follows that I love picture books that are wildly funny, imaginative and a bit subversive. You can keep the ones about caring and sharing,
the thinly-disguised sermons on political correctness, and the deeply gloomy
ones about saying goodbye to Gertie the Goldfish. Life’s hard enough, for god’s
sake; children need cheering up, like the rest of us.
Burglar Bill, The Elephant and the Bad Baby, The Three
Little Wolves and the Big Bad Pig, How Tom Beat Captain Najork and His Hired
Sportsmen – these are just a few old favourites, and now I have two new ones: I Really
Want To Eat A Child, and The Little Mole Who Knew It Was None Of His Business. As
so often happens, it turns out everyone knew about this last one, except me, but it’s the ultimate book about poo. I’m also very taken with the Wonky
Donkey as read on U-tube by that wonderful Scottish granny.
Occasionally the recipients of my well-intentioned gifts
have been traumatised – Bye-bye Baby reduced a great-nephew to tears: I
still feel guilty – but by and large the little hellions have shrieked with
laughter and demanded more. And some have the excellent sense to refuse to
listen to anything remotely improving. When my granddaughter was given a
picture book of bible stories she listened to her father reading for 30 seconds
before she took the book firmly from his hands and said, I’ll read this one. The new, improved version began ‘Once upon a
time there was a princess…’

Which brings me to one last thing: I’ve complained before about
the emotional-blackmail of those Facebook posts that demand you share some stuff about cancer, pollution, puppy farms, whatever - or be exposed as the heartless,
uncaring creature that you really are. Well, all I want to say is that when I die, sooner
rather than later - of cancer, heart disease, liver-failure (or more likely a
stroke caused by reading one more pronouncement by the cretinous Trump) – if any one of
you uses it as an excuse to post something on Facebook urging others to prove that they too truly care about cancer, heart disease, stroke, etc, I will come
back from the dead, so help me god, and strangle you with my own winding-sheet.
Don’t say you haven’t been warned.
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